Saturday, December 16, 2017

Channel Your Inner X


Magic is all about channeling the energy inherent in the world around us and focusing it towards a purpose. Most magical practitioners will adopt an ancient pantheon of deities and call upon them during ritual. The idea is that the gods personify aspects of human nature. Dionysus is the god of weed, wine and women. Mars is the god of war. If one needs to have a great party they would look to Dionysus, If one needs success in battle, call upon Mars.

In Chaos Magic we realize the inherent power in belief and do not choose just one group of gods to settle in with. Instead we use whatever powers will best suit our current magical needs. These days we have much more power to choose from than just the shriveled up gods of old. Over the hundreds of years since the beginning of America we have created new legends, new gods and new heroes. These days you can choose to embody any one of these or many at a time if you wish.

Do you need to make someone understand that they wronged you and they need to be destroyed? Channel your inner Punisher. Dress the part. Make the scowl. Allow yourself to be angry to the point of revenge. Then, instead of picking up actual guns and grenades channel that emotion into magical guns and grenades and crush those who've wronged you under your ethereal combat boot heel.

The energy of belief is yours to use. Once you understand this you can do anything and it will have equal, if not stronger, power to the ancient ways of calling down spirit. The point is in focus and intent. The gods, wands, circles and stars all point you towards a purpose. That works with  any imagery you want to use to get to where you want to go. Fake it until you make it, just be careful what you choose to do. Once that energy is released it cannot be taken back.

Fake it Till You Make it: A Chaotic Approach to Success


I'm pretty sure that when you wake up and get ready for work you have a ritual that gets you in the mindset to go in. By the time you've had your breakfast, coffee and shower you are almost there. Then you struggle into your uniform and look at yourself in the mirror. By the time you hit  the clock-in you are focused and ready to go. But what if you want to get into something you don't truly know much about? Or what if you simply want to feel comfortable or fit in at a party? I say, fake it until you make it.

Stick with me here. Say you look across the room at the party and there is this person that is surrounded by party goers who hang on his every word and gesture. You think to yourself, "I want to command a crowd like that". How do you do it though? Like anything else charm takes practice. No one was ever good at it right from the start and no one gets charm by standing in the corner wondering about it. You have to put yourself in the position to be charming and the only way to do that is to study social interaction and fake it and learn from your mistakes.

I worked for a call center many years ago. When I went through training the instructor taught us everything we needed to know. She went over the scripts. We did role playing. We sat in on calls with senior associates. After weeks of this before we were to start our first solo shifts she said to us:

Even with everything you've learned here you won't get everything right. Keep going. Fake it until you make it.
I understood that what she was telling us was that we have to walk out into the fire. We are as prepared as we can be but the real world has come knocking and you are going to have to deal with the chaos that brings. And here we are all about chaos kiddo's so I am telling you the only way to deal with it is to face it and harness it. All of the cues and clues are there for us to use we just have to recognize them and use them towards our goals with fresh intent.

It seems crazy to walk into a party and just start chatting people up. But that's how you learn charm. Put on your best sorcerers garb (look good in your own style) and wade out int the waters of social interaction. Take with you the mantle of chaos you and know that you can succeed. when you fail, and you will, cry about it for a day or two. Consider and try again. Don't give up and one day you might just be as charming of a pig as I am.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Magical Thinking

Many of you reading this may be new to Chaos Magic and what it is. What follows here is the rambling of a mad wizard. Use it or don't, as you will it, so too shall it be.

First, you have to have a grasp on Magical Thinking. Magical Thinking is a way of seeing the world that encompasses both the wonder of the world and the absolute absurdity of it all. In this age there is much of the world that we understand but there is also much we have no clue how to understand. Those gaps in our understanding of how things happen are where Magical Thinking comes in. We know that energy is transferred between a potential state to a kinetic state and back again. Energy is transferred the same way between bodies and events. Using the arcane arts one places themselves in a position to direct where that energy goes.

The ultimate goal of any Magician should be to create these energy transfers with out the use of any tools or accouterments. These tools are there to help one focus and direct energy but over time one should learn to wean themselves from these crutches. One way of doing that is to use symbology created by the Mage and directed into the either. One way of doing this is by creating Sigils. Sigils direct an intention and focus the energy in that intention out into the world. Magical sigils and symbols can have more or less power depending on the casters intentions and the amount of focus directed in it's creation. These are Physical manifestations of etherial power and form a large part of the basics of Chaos Magic.

Magical thinking is all about directing your inner power outward. As such one can use whatever symbols and ideas that help focus your energy toward your desire. Think clearly, focus and use what you have to stand in wonder before the ages and claim your place there. The gods are always listening.